Releasing Regret. A Letter to Self.

There is a discipline for passion. It’s hard work, but your dreams are worth fighting for.

Lady Gaga.

Watching Gaga say these words, with such fierce passion, made me burst into tears. She’s been working for her dreams her whole life – and what have I done? It’s easy for me to think that I’ve failed myself and my dreams with my distractions, addictions and misspent youth (and I have been torturing myself with this for all of my adult life) but the passion never left me. The truth is, I needed to grow stronger and deeper before I could contribute to this world in a meaningful way.

I did not fail myself or music. I’ve held it in my heart this whole time. I just respected it enough to just be a listener until I was ready to be a creator.

And that time is here for me now.

Thank you, Universe, for responding to my cry for depth out of the shallow all those years ago.

Thank you for keeping music in my life as I learnt, grew and changed into who I am today.

Now show me how I can make my contribution. To give back even a fraction to others what music has done for me, would be so meaningful. To give anyone all of what I’ve received through music is incomprehensible to my mind…’cuz that shit has changed my life, helped me soar and made my world a better place.

I allow myself to do this for others!

It is my destiny.

No regrets. Music for life ✌

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