Full Moon in Cancer Tarot Reading ♋🌕

Insight and Guidance for Full Moon in Cancer 30th December 2020 (UK Time)

Love Heals Fear
This is what this time is for: this is the primary focus of the energies. How can we transform ourselves and our lives through Love? whatever you believe about current events, does your belief lead to a loving or a fearful outcome? The same can be said about the stories we tell ourselves: do we bless ourselves out of love? Or criticize and sabotage out of fear? (seriously calling myself out here…XD)

“the power of your love can help bullies and angry people be less
afraid” – yep, truth, what a superpower…💕


King of Swords & The Hierophant
(they stuck out together immediately upon shuffling)

This is representing that higher source of “knowing,” that is: Love. Both of these cards are incredibly similar looking, and I’m getting such similar vibes. This is Spirit inviting us to step into our mastery: of mind and understanding; of the wisdom and faith of the Divine. This is knowing intuitively what is right, and knowing our path; creating that unity between purpose and vessel; creating an expression of love through one’s existence…

9 of Swords
worry blocks love. worry blocks blessings. worry causes nothing but more to worry about… spirit is saying here that the way to bypass worry is to embodythe King of Swords and Hierophant energy; this is the lesson in mastering the mind; in other words, no longer accepting the worrisome bullshit and finding the openness and strength to choose more hopeful thoughts. if you are prone to worry, know you are not alone (chronic worrier writing this…) and changing a dysfunctional mindset is a process (a fucking difficult one…) so be patient… do your best to allow these potent new moon energies to cleanse you of this 9 of swords mindset, choose love whenever you find yourself with the awareness to do so; it’s all we can do ♥

may this cancer full moon release all worries from me ⚓
and so it is 💕


Page of Pentacles & 4 of Wands
anyone out there looking for a new stable beginning; to feel truly grounded and stable within oneself; and to have every aspect of “outer” security to match: this is a fucking sweet line-up of cards to suggest this is possible through this full moon. The cards suggest that this is what all this mastery is building up to; it’s a new opportunity for “spiritual stability,” that is, grounded, solid and stable foundations rooted in Love and Truth… Your mission (if you choose to accept) is to train your mind like the King of Swords and to maintain your faith like The Hierophant; and the reward will be a sense of groundedness (not a word!) and belonging like we have never known…

Queen of Swords
King and Queen of Swords showing up and the 4 of Wands…I can’t ignore the 8(<accidentally typed: powerful!!!) Divine Counterpart/Twin Flame energy that is present here! This is part of the path some of us FOR SURE! And falling directly under the “love heals fear” many of us who feel “destined” for love are starting to lose heart or feel beaten down by the process, this is very much saying don’t give up now!1 if you feel like giving up, please acknowledge that that’s fear talking, love would be patient; love would never give up on love. So keep that love alive, counterparts, and that is through loving ourselves – and remember a true counterpart will be a perfect mirror to us: if we feel a void of Love from “them”, we also have that void of Love for Self…

For me the Queen of Swords also represents channeling the Divine. So I also feel we are being asked to connect with Spirit personally and allow that Love to flow through us. We are also being asked to remember that we ARE the Divine, and so we ARE Love. Theories and concepts can only get us so far (and this is the shadow aspect of the intellectual swords – or air – element) so don’t overthink. Love isn’t rational, but it’s also not blind. Love is All…


4 of Swords & The Empress
Simply put with these cards, this is a time of facing fear and healing oneself. The only way to Love is through the fears; through the blocks and limitations; it is loving oneself despite all the flaws and contradictions. It is recognising that YOU are The Empress (or Emperor); and that thru the power of LOVE; thru harnessing the power of your MIND; thru having complete trust and FAITH in the Divine, you can create a more loving existence for you and for ALL.

King of Cups
(clarified by The Hanged Man)
this full moon is all about YOU, and YOUR healing; YOUR mastery; YOUR potential. Until we put ourselves first and create harmony within our emotions (Cups energy) and mind (Swords energy) we will always feel disempowered and victims of life. We become the fertile ground with the Empress through our growth; whatever is going “wrong” in our lives, that is the Universe’s way of pushing us into our mastery. Sometimes we are kept suspended in less than ideal situations to give us a new perspective: to help us see that we hold the key within to overcome and change any situation; life is the school and we are the students…the sooner we can accept and complete our lessons, the smoother our transition to mastery will be.


10 Tarot Cards were pulled…and I saw the 10 of Wands flip up as I was shuffling, 10’s are all about completion, and the 10 of Wands in particular suggests many of us have been in a tough cycle up to now…maybe up to the last 10 years, really feeling tested and in the struggle…this is truly the culmination of that; the tipping point where we have the openness and the strength to love ourselves, everyone else, Spirit and our mission here on earth so fiercely; so passionately, that we completely transform our experiences.

So remember, there is no magic that’s gonna rain down on you over this full moon: you ARE the magic thru embodying Divine LOVE. YOU are the King of Swords and the King of Cups, Masterful, and able to transform a painful past and change the course of your destiny: one optimistic moment at a time ♥

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ☮

A Message for Warrior Divine Feminines

Feminines, it’s time to rise up as the amazing Goddess’ we are. We each are the Empress: all 4 Queens of the Tarot

“The Queen of the Thrones of Flame, of Waters, of Earth, of Air”

and honouring ourselves above all else is how we will defeat any conflict and stuckness with our Inner Masculine or any Masculines “out there”

We are being asked to step away from the “love narrative”… to trust in our path; to follow our own ideas & desires, to Trust there Beautiful Harmony up ahead.

We have worked hard to nurture our Feminine, and this is our final lesson to rise as the Emperor. This will then draw this incredible Divine Masculine energy towards you: Your Masculine.

Our Masculine energy gets expressed through our exciting individual life purpose, and each soul contains some innate talents and skills ready to be fully developed; something that brings us unlimited joy and fulfilment; something just for us, and those we serve.

We have a beautiful life planned for us, and it’s time to rise up into it. ((All Karma, Attachment, Rage, Unforgiveness NOW GONE NOW⚓))

Unlimited Growth and Potential flows to me now ⚓ I beautifully balance my Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies ⚓ and so it is ⚓

New Moon in Cancer Tarot Reading ♋🌚

Family Culture is the highlight of this new moon. We have all spent more time at home recently than we ever have, our relationships have been highlighted: what works and what doesn’t? We have had plenty of opportunity to explore our feelings concerning ourselves and others, and it’s easier than ever to see things (people) for what they really are.

More than once I have thought about how it seems myself, and some of those close to me, have found themselves back to 10 years ago, the same shit has been repeating because the same shit actions have been taken. This is a do-over, an opportunity to make different choices now to make sure you’re not back here again in another 10 years.

If people don’t honour you, don’t give them anything of yours. Honour yourself by walking away from what you know won’t change, because you know you deserve better and better is out there. Better is out there. We can get so caught up in what we have been told we are, we forget who we actually are: the Magician: who by the power of their thoughts and intentions can direct the flow of energy (experience) into whatever they desire. A lot of Swords came up in this reading, so it really is about aligning the mind space to all we want to be, do and have – we cannot complain ourselves out of a situation.

To successfully weild that Magickal power, we must feel and act worthy of this power, and that means boundaries between you and others that drain you, a vulnerability to others that make you feel good, and openness to the wonders of the Self and this immense Universe.

The struggles are all for purpose. Covid19 is all for purpose. The current conditions of the Universe are favourable to success, and if we use this time, this incredible time of 2020, to focus within, to know within, to change and heal within; to find our desires and plan our dreams, we can make them a reality ⚓

Destined For Victory: a Poem (Inspired by the Oracle)

Oh to feel light and free;
to easily process my grief
so my emotions never get
the best of me…
what a totally, glorious
life that would be
my existence as a joyous harmony
instead of hatred, fear and anxiety
and 10 of Wands lessons
that keep haunting me…

When will this Karma be released?
and my Empress energy unleashed?

it’s amidst the discomfort of my questioning
I find my reigning Strength again
and as my thirst for Truth
keeps on pulling me
I know I’m Destined For Victory ⚓

🧡 Divine Feminines Rise: a Poem (Inspired by the Oracle) 🧡

Divine Feminines: it’s time to Rise!
((There’s a hidden war on for
Our Minds))
A total disregard, for our
Magical Arts:
The Creation, inherent in
Each of Us…

But we’ve never been taught;
Kept so very small;
We’re way more Powerful than
they’d ever want us to know…
But now it’s time for our strength to show :
The Gentle Warrior : Invincible 🧡⚓

My 2020: In Tarot Cards

In the Depths of the Struggle
(but the End is in Sight, StarSeed🌟)⚓

(The Flu takes you Down)

“Facing the Right Direction”
(AwaQning Light)⚓

Going Within
Discerning Truth🙏Foundations-Setting-⚓

May | 5
Letting Go of Old-Flames💧⚓

June | 6
Recognising Passion
Contemplating New Directions

July | 7
Decisions: Following the Heart💕
Soul Contract Clarity
The Sensitive Masculine Sparks 💥

August | 8

Destiny Moving You Forward

September | 9

I Walk Away:
From the Emptiness;
The Missing You.
You Need to Heal,
And I need Someone
to treat Love as a Verb;
I need time to Create My
Sacred Art-Works
I’m Moving On;
Evolving Thru
And Now,
So Will You Too.  ⚡💥 ⚓

October | 10

Luna Guides, Magick Intensifies ⚡
Intuition ClaiR, Uniqueness Flairs 🖤
An Opened Destiny ♣️
Deepest Intentions Setting ⚓
Beyond My Wildest Dreams Manifesting ♦️

November | 11

My old life comes crashing down ⚓
I feel worthy of my crown ⚓
Justice (XI) coming IIn 4 Me ⚓
AnaPunkSteele Rises Up In Me 🖤🎶
A PunkWitchWife
& Her MusicaLegacy ⚓♣️💍

December | 12

The emotional burden is over ⚓
My inner child feels nurtured 💖⚓
Bring on 2021;
Let’s have some fun! ⚓
Let’s bring joy & harmony to everyone ⚓

Going within represented twice with The Hermit and The Moon, in the two different halves of the year. Early 2020, with The Hermit, it was discovering spirit (3 of Cups), it was really going into the depths of the mental anguish (2 of swords) and the (sickness) stuckness and seemingly hopelessness of my situation (4 of cups) desperately trying to find my Peace, my Balance, my Passion..

Oh my gosh, we also have The Hermit, 3 of Cups and (No) Knight of Wands in a row there… that comes up SO frequently in my readings! Understanding the player energy…

By the second part of the year, represented by The Moon, I’m digging deep into the intuition, going (feels) deeper with Spirit, deeper with my true wishes, goals and desires

A Note to Self: Getting Thru March 2020: a Tarot Guide

After feeling drawn into my Witches Tarot deck by Ellen Dugan, I pulled 10 cards, and spent some time re-arranging them until I could see the message. Here’s what they told me:

Find the strength to make the decision each time. Choose your happiness; choose your freedom, each moment. Each opportunity that arises to pull you back down, choose the light. Getting into this habit will bring you into a new emotional beginning: Emotional Freedom. You will be able to speak your Truth from your heart, without fear, and this will give others the space to do the same. Emotional fulfilment awaits you now.

Focus on your creative spiritual endeavours. Keep the faith, each moment, that your creative spiritual service will reap bountiful rewards for everyone involved. You create magic in your life through your own powerful energy: stand strong in your Innate Truth and allow the world to swiftly shift around you. Believe in the Magic you Hold; Ultimate Fulfilment awaits you now.

And so it is


A Cry Out For Meaning: A Journey Through Tarot

Ask and you shall receive…

After a rather trying January, I was literally crying out for understanding: “why have I been working so hard on myself and yet I feel the very worst I’ve felt in my life? I need answers, Universe!” I know the old adage: “it’s always darkest before the dawn,” but when you’re stuck in the darkness of your own mind, it’s hard to find anything but more darkness sometimes…

In Divine Perfect Timing (of course) I was gifted some cannabis and the fruition of a rather subconsciously honed tarot-reading ability. I had received 2 decks for Christmas, and after months of watching YouTube tarot-readings the skills seemed to embed, and my yearning to understand was granted an answer: sprawled in tarot cards across my bedroom floor. Here is what they showed me:


Justice (11) is overseeing your life. The Karma is ending XX (it was only ever karma, dear one). All that kept you locked up in the tower is coming crashing down. All the sadness and the burdens [under pressure]; the limitations and the boredom; all the apathy and the unsafety: just walk away: it is time to jump into the unknown. You are waking up and (learning to walk again) walking away from the cycles that have plagued you for eons. All the hostility you have held against your Self, your Brothers and your Sisters comes crashing down NOW>Hit The Wave< Release Judgement. Listen2Muse; ignite your passion; (I MAKE THE CHOICE ⚓ I Forgive ⚓ I Follow the path to my new beginning ⚓) Rewards are waiting for you on the other side.


Patience is essential on this journey. Slow and steady wins the race. You have chosen to transmute A LOT of karma, and this takes time. This snail’s pace is truly a blessing in disguise. Just keep following the numbers. Recognise you are just transmuting karma (YOU CAN DO NO WRONG⚓). Dive deep into the Self. Choose what you know is right for you, follow your passions; keep honing your craft (Clai)Rebel Girl, (AAGabrielle is with you), leave the pain of the past in the past(passed): SAIL ON, SO FREE…Let go of your stresses (you can do no wrong) and allow yourself to be a Master of your Mind. Don’t take no for an answer. Keep striving forward, no matter how long it tAKES…
(I release time, and I travel, so free…)


As you continue to establish your connection with your angels (expect miracles); as you continue to heal and evolve, you will become The Magician (I). Your Divine Feminine (Sacral) Center will be healed. You will heal lack, and you will abundantly have all that you need in the material world: I expect miracles when it comes to money, money, money 38331 ⚓ (I RELEASE LIMITATIONS: NOW GONE⚓).

⚓44.You are now fulfilling your Individual Soul Mission.33⚓

As you travel on the path of your Soul, A Divinely Guided Meeting and Significant Spiritual Experience (healing) will significantly activate both of your Crown and HEart Chakras, as well as WIPE OUT the heavy clouds of the mind. This new energy will be anch44red and (A LLOT OF) karma will be released.

Victory, Harmony and New Beginnings are assured, in a new (GROUNDED) spiritually-based future(the future’s coming for us now, in this house). Celebr4tion awaits you now.⚓


Further down the line, the stable Knight of Cups offering to The Empress will be made by the King of Cups counterpart. The layers will continue to shed as both counterparts activate and clear each other thru their life experience, and spiritual experience.

Inevitably, The Empress and The Emperor finally join-back-together in harmony⚓, fulfilling their mission together: their DIvine Destiny⚓: rockSTARseeds.

Victory and Harmon(e)y is Assured.
I release time and I CLAIM what’s mine.
And so it is… ❤

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