#TheGreatAwakening: a Poem

This #GreatAwakening,
it’s really something!
We’re now understanding
why things are happening
the past comprehended:
our lives: b33n perfectly led;
for our Gifts to Break Free
when they were most needed.

Saved from the “Industry”
so my Soul could be free!
Not ’cause it wasn’t meant for me
that’s just another ego story…
We’re taking back the Arts, you see
and You are front-line military
sent down to Express Truthfully
so Experience BEcom3s Heavenly ⚓❤

Dead Inside: a Poem

You found it funny
but you made me cry,
another example
that you’re fucking blind.
Your desperate attempt
to keep things light
not realising that
you’re dead inside…

‘Cuz you can’t give out
what you can’t retain,
and joy, for you,
is an elusive game.
The sadness you bring
I can barely contain…
I pray and hope
for thing’s to change…⚓

My 2020: In Tarot Cards

In the Depths of the Struggle
(but the End is in Sight, StarSeed🌟)⚓

(The Flu takes you Down)

“Facing the Right Direction”
(AwaQning Light)⚓

Going Within
Discerning Truth🙏Foundations-Setting-⚓

May | 5
Letting Go of Old-Flames💧⚓

June | 6
Recognising Passion
Contemplating New Directions

July | 7
Decisions: Following the Heart💕
Soul Contract Clarity
The Sensitive Masculine Sparks 💥

August | 8

Destiny Moving You Forward

September | 9

I Walk Away:
From the Emptiness;
The Missing You.
You Need to Heal,
And I need Someone
to treat Love as a Verb;
I need time to Create My
Sacred Art-Works
I’m Moving On;
Evolving Thru
And Now,
So Will You Too.  ⚡💥 ⚓

October | 10

Luna Guides, Magick Intensifies ⚡
Intuition ClaiR, Uniqueness Flairs 🖤
An Opened Destiny ♣️
Deepest Intentions Setting ⚓
Beyond My Wildest Dreams Manifesting ♦️

November | 11

My old life comes crashing down ⚓
I feel worthy of my crown ⚓
Justice (XI) coming IIn 4 Me ⚓
AnaPunkSteele Rises Up In Me 🖤🎶
A PunkWitchWife
& Her MusicaLegacy ⚓♣️💍

December | 12

The emotional burden is over ⚓
My inner child feels nurtured 💖⚓
Bring on 2021;
Let’s have some fun! ⚓
Let’s bring joy & harmony to everyone ⚓

Going within represented twice with The Hermit and The Moon, in the two different halves of the year. Early 2020, with The Hermit, it was discovering spirit (3 of Cups), it was really going into the depths of the mental anguish (2 of swords) and the (sickness) stuckness and seemingly hopelessness of my situation (4 of cups) desperately trying to find my Peace, my Balance, my Passion..

Oh my gosh, we also have The Hermit, 3 of Cups and (No) Knight of Wands in a row there… that comes up SO frequently in my readings! Understanding the player energy…

By the second part of the year, represented by The Moon, I’m digging deep into the intuition, going (feels) deeper with Spirit, deeper with my true wishes, goals and desires
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